Time in Dubai: All You Need to Know
Current Time and Time Zones
The current local time in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), is 8 hours ahead of New York and follows Gulf Standard Time (GST). Dubai is located in the UTC+4 time zone and does not observe daylight saving time.
Time Difference
To calculate the time difference between Dubai and other cities around the world, simply subtract 8 hours from the local time in those cities. For example: * New York: 12:00 PM EST - 8 hours = 4:00 AM GST (Dubai) * London: 1:00 PM GMT - 8 hours = 5:00 AM GST (Dubai) * Tokyo: 9:00 PM JST - 8 hours = 1:00 PM GST (Dubai)
Sunrise and Sunset Times
The sunrise and sunset times in Dubai vary throughout the year due to the Earth's tilt. During the summer months, sunrise typically occurs around 5:30 AM and sunset around 7:00 PM. In the winter months, sunrise occurs around 7:00 AM and sunset around 5:30 PM.
Time Zones in the United Arab Emirates
Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the UAE. All the emirates follow the same time zone, GST, and do not observe daylight saving time.